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Academic Tutorial Assistant

and Tutor Mentor

Florida State University

Student Athletic Academic Services, 2010-2016

Tutorial Assistant of the Year Award, 2014 - 2015

Recipient of the tutorial assistant of the year award for excellence in educational instruction, commitment, and success. This award indicates that the tutor’s performance has been recognized by the staff of the Student Athletic Academic Services


Tutor Training Presentation, Feb.28, 2016

"Pedagogical Techniques, Challenges, and Solutions"

Training focusing on tutoring instruction, advice, challenges, and solutions

Courses tutored:


AMH2097: Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.



ANT2000: Introduction to Anthropology

ANT2410: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANT 2416: Childhood of the World

ANT3141: World Prehistory

ANT3212: Peoples of the World

ANT3610: Language and Culture



CLT3370: Classical Mythology

CLT3378: Ancient Mythology



ENC 1145: Freshman Composition

ENC1102: Freshman Writing and Research

ENC1101: Freshman Composition and Rhetoric

ENC1142: Freshman Imaginative Writing

ENC2135: Research, Genre, and Context



HUM3321: Multicultural Film


Leadership and Social Change

LDR2101: Leadership Theory



LIT2020: Short Story

LIT2030: Introduction to Poetry

LIT3383: Women in Literature



MUH2012: Music in Western Culture

(19th and 20th Century)

MUH2019: Modern Popular Music

MUH2051: Music in World Cultures

MUH3053: American Roots Music

MUL2010: Music Literature


Environmental Studies

PHI2620: Environmental Ethics


Sports Management

SPM4012: Sport in Society

SPM4025: Diversity in Sport



THE2000: Introduction to Theater

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